Hello Spike,
Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense. Unfortunately, after
reviewing your application, we're unable to accept you into Google
AdSense at this time. We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below.
We've found that your website contains content
that isn't in compliance with our program policies. We don't allow
websites with excessive profanity or potentially offensive content to
participate in Google AdSense. Please review our policies
for a complete list of site content not allowed on web pages.
Now how's this for hypocrisy? According to Google's Guide to Net Neutrality, where they they claim to be huge supporters of free speech online,
"Network neutrality is the principle that Internet users should be in control of what content they view and what applications they use on the Internet."
The first step to giving people control over their content is letting advertisers decide to throw in with controversial sites rather than pre-approving them and telling your advertisers who they can and can't advertise with.
Here's an experiment, kids. Go visit Time Magazine's best blogs of 2010. I know, I know. Fuck Time Magazine. But still, look at how most of those blogs contain some kind of profanity. One's even called "Sh__ My Kids Ruined" for fuck's sake. Look, not everyone in this country is 10 years old. Most of us use profanity in our daily lives. Fuck Google and fuck the Soccer Mom-ification of America.
(By the way, it hasn't escaped me that this site is actually hosted on a google-related website. But it's too late to switch now and there really isn't anything else out there that's free).
It's okay, you can always vote Sarah Palin into power if you can't handle hearing the truth occasionally blaring at you from a monitor. You can always turn on FOX News and pray to Jesus to finally turn this country into the Third Mall from the Sun once in for all. Or maybe you could grow up and realize that people should be allowed to say things you disagree with, because it's their right to do so as human beings.
If you like Spike Anderson, here's a list of non-google search engines that do the job just as well without the mega-corporate fucksmanship you've just come to acknowledge thanks to my jarring, violent wisdoms. Which engine do I recommend? The first one to come up with this page as the result of a search for "Spike Anderson Sez Fuck Off"
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