------> READ THIS
Put on your "Church Clothes" kids - Because just when I thought it was safe to gargle some Hurricane Charlie, slice my face open, and blow your dad - someone just had to knock the caviar out of my mouth.
Do you know what it is like to have your white-gloved puritanical wisdom banhammered by greedy Extenze Advertisers?

...like a cheese grater against the soft yeasty nubile foreskin!!!1
Much like "Future Doorway Dwellers" this music video, by the Cramps, was banned from TV...blame the PMRC...or THE SHIT-BAG COMPANIES that ADVERTISE on MTV (of course Capitol/EMI didn't have a problem putting the record sales up their nose). Apparently, you can't use forceps to pry a full grown man out of a sweet smelling bloody zombie pussy. Speaking of pussies, Sergi says it would make a good OB Tampon commercial...you know the one marketed to teens during family dinner time. Can you break $20? SLURP, SNIFF. I digress, because apparently ADVERTISERS don't like it when a man puts a chicken leg down his thong while bending over to show his burnt starfish. Also, you can't have a woman sit on a dude's face and put it on TV - someone might begin to VIOLENTLY MASTURBATE. But then again, this vile video is available on Youtube.com and god knows NO ONE ADVERTISES WITH THAT ONLINE BLOWJOB VIDEO DATABASE.
"Settle Down Spike, you're blowing this out of proportion. Google is letting you corrupt minds they're just not going to pay you for it!"
WELL FUCK YOU, I NEED MY 1000% CUT, I HAVE A FISTING PARTY AT THE MOTEL 6 TO PAY FOR. (btw, its the Motel 6 a block away from Hollywood Park if you are interested and have 5 bux)
I can't seem to get that annoying taste of
The solution you ask? Besides a juicy fat tit nipple that squirts liquid PCP (thats Phencyclidine for the laymen or bay area computer programing speedball regulars)? Corrupting impotent males googling for Tijuana grade Viagra!!1
Ok now this is where I clean up, find god, start a cooking blog, become a substitute teacher at a christian high school, and jerk off to American Idol while standing in front of an open window. ONLY IN AMERICA.

AdSense, the Domino's Pizza of Advertisers?
Exhibit 1. AdSense + Steroids = American.

Exhibit 2. AdSense + Ebay = Cheap Babies

3. Exhibit 3. AdSense + WoW = pay for sex.

Exhibit 4. AdSense + Burglary = Hey, its the "Economy".

The truth is that advertisers don't care who pimps their shit. Only, how big the asshole's arm is that swings the pimp hand.
Well, I guess I can't rely on Google to pay me so i can eat wine & Coke Taco's....so its back to the corner...but i'll rise up from the bottom of the river...bitch!!!1

BTW, a man's ass is ok with advertisers.....just as long as no one says FUCK