The band was founded by some sort of evangelical hooker and random musicians pulled from Atlantic's massive rolodex of cokeheads who own a Squier Shitcaster. Hope the paycheck was worth being told what to play by someone with the intelligence of a 12 year old who's been snorting lines of glitter off her Lisa Frank coke mirror since she was shat out of the test tube by a coupla industry fucks.
They're all practicing Christians, which is yet another thing you can put into the pile of reasons not to give a fuck about them. It's all a ploy to make their music go down easier for the dead-eyed Calvary Chapel soccer moms of the world. What would Jesus do? Flash his tits on Twitter to the world for fame, I guess. Hey, you know what? Spike Anderson loves Jesus, too. Now you judgmental born again assholes can feel guilt-free about enjoying my posts about trying to find the last good vein in my eyelid for my daily fix. Sure, I accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, especially since he seems to be cool with me fucking over my fellow man for my 138% cut.
Apparently, that paycheck wasn't enough to keep the rest of the band from leaving and the guitarist from telling us what we already know: their band is a pile of shit.
Here's the shocking revelations contained in this songblower's announcement:
- Paramore were formed by a major label looking for easier access to hookers n' coke
- The lead singer is a cunt who is desperate for attention
- Their music blows
Well what a fuckin' newsflash that is. At least he had the balls to tell everyone the real reasons his shitty band is no longer plaguing us with their music. As far as the singer goes, the world now knows she's an attention starved whore who is a glorified American Idol contestant sponsored by Hot Topic. In a perfect world, she would be beaten on sight by music fans and reasonable people everywhere she went. In reality, she'll probably start her new career as a cam whore and reality TV show shitbag any day now.

Shit man, with hair like that I half expect the Grimace to show up to your gigs and blow coke up the Hamburgler's nose before the encore.
Paramore is amazing, and you need to get a life, man. Seriously. You're gonna grow old, die and lay in your apartment dead for 5 years before anyone finds you, because I seriosly doubt that such an asshole as yourself have, or ever will have, any friends.
Hey Anonymous/Dickless/Big Lots Vaginal Cream,
ReplyDeleteHere is some simple advice....
1. stop listening to music. seriously just stop. with all the extra money you can buy that extra rock or half pill of low grade Pico MDMA.
2. Go fuck yourself.
3. Most likely you will go blind, if you have fast hands....well because as a Paramore fan, that is all you have.
4. Google search: Paramore+Twitter+Tits+Talentless+Attention+whore+shitbag+fans.
Wow...didn't you see the part of the post where Paramore's OWN GUITARIST admitted that they were put together by the industry heads to make cash? And that the lead singer treated the rest of the band as if they were her solo project?
ReplyDeleteThis Hayley Williams tried to buy credibility and fucks like you bought it
So, let's recap don't have an opinon of your own and don't express it. Oh, and don't state facts!!1 Look I have just as much of a right to hate them as you do to like them and one day when you grow up and spread your cracker seed all across this country after being in 6 loveless and desperate "relationships" you will wish that you had thought for yourself and not bought all the lies being sold to you. They will continue to put shit in a bowl and call it a sundae until you call them out. Until you fucking WAKE UP and open your fucking eyes...enjoy your shit salad.