Hey Guys, Larry here. Sorry about the multiple pictures I knew I shouldn't have mixed absinthe with a spoonful of speed and some low-grade acid. Anyway, while Spike is taking a coke nap I figured I would let you in on a secret. I'm going to that Glen Beck Rally this weekend. I need to know some things from the man himself.
Like why he's saying he will "Take back the Civil Rights Movement." You can't say shit like that after you've already said this:
I could fucking do this all day. See I need to find out if Glen Beck is a complete moron who just says whatever comes into his head and can't stop himself(even if that thought is incredibly racist and ignorant) or if he is in fact an evil motherfucker. Maybe he understands that by aligning himself with The Tea Party there are some things he really shouldn't say. Especially, when the Tea Party do this:
The funny thing is if you search you tube for footage of Tea Party harassment its not on there. Now someone like Glen Beck would probably say "That's because it doesn't exist." Of course...he's a fucking moron. THE TEA PARTY OBVIOUSLY JUST GOT AN IMAGE CONSULTANT. Maybe someone like this: http://www.clean-search.com/
See currently all these fucks have to do is ask someone to take something down. They apparently can also make the congresswomen who was SPIT ON by them look like a racist herself by putting up videos that are extremely misleading:
The Right Wing Owns the TV, the Radio, and now THEY OWN THE INTERNET.
But, I got off my point. I'm going to the Glen Beck rally but not without my Assault Intervention Device: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_jail_ray_gun
That fucker can make someone shit themselves in 4 seconds flat and it works on multiple people. It can even work on a crowd. I'll fry these fucks like bacon in a heroin soaked pan(that's how spike likes his). I'll need to test this device first of course, anyone have Sarah Palin or Dick Cheney's address handy? Yes, I must test it first to be sure. No professional would settle for less.
Get Ready BeckHeads:
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