Saturday, June 12, 2010

more reasons Dane Cook is a fucking untalented moron

"What do you say when an atheist sneezes?" You could tell the guy bless you without the God seeing as to he's an atheist. Or you could turn it into a reason to keep mainstream America mad at anyone who doesn't share their beliefs. Sure, the atheist guy was probably kind of an asshole. But the funny thing is that the difference between an asshole atheist and an asshole Christian is that an asshole atheist doesn't funnel money into a proposition to keep gay people from marrying each other, which is essentially legislating Christian beliefs onto all of the rest of us. Has there ever been a proposition or law on the books that kept Christians from praying to Jesus?

I get it now, Dane Cook needs to stay on God's nice side because its a miracle that he hasn't been killed by lightening or hit by a car filled with nuns. Unlike Dane's live show I would pay to see that. I hope those nuns have insurance that will cover shit stains.

If you're a fundamentalist Christian, don't watch these:

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