When I see our boys in Iraq shooting at uppity fucks with cameras and the people who pull over to try to help them, it makes me giddy.
I hope someone holds these people accountable...for holding cameras. Because who said these fucks were allowed to have cameras???? Good shootin', Tex! To quote the man himself, "Hah, that guy just drove over a body." Ha ha ha. Ha. ha. That's pretty funny, bro. Hey, I'm glad this guy gets to share his private joke with all of us now that the video is leaked. I'm sure we'll all find it HIGH-larious how people are fleeing from his attack on a van full of children.
When the Pentagon found out about the video being leaked, what was their reaction? Did they pussy out and offer a public apology? Maybe try to court marshal the guys who did it and send them to military prison? Fuck NO! What are they, some kinda goddamned shit-eating communists?!? They did what the military always does -- deny, deny, deny. Then call them unpatriotic. Then deny some more -- Reuters said that U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates criticized WikiLeaks for releasing the video without providing any context.
Yeah! What about the CONTEXT of the video? I'll bet the guys with cameras did something really bad off screen just before they're blown to hell. Same thing with those kids in that van. I'll bet they made their sister cry or something. It's everyone else's fault for reading too much into things!
What about the guy who leaked this video, Bradley Manning? And why isn't he being beaten round-the-clock by government thugs like he woulda been in the good ol' days? Don't worry friends, this thought-terrorist is being tortured by "no-touch torture" in the federal clink in Quantico, VA. One person said of the man, ""If Manning is convicted, it will be because his individual dedication to human ethics far surpasses that of the US government." You mean mowing people down in the street with an Apache's minigun isn't ethical?! Here's the little terrorist right here, clearly displaying his hatred of all mankind by wearing a Hollister t-shirt:
Seems to me like he's more of a threat to the fuckin' Chipotle salsa bar than to anyone's national security.
(By the way, it's a good thing that we've got all these great investigative journalists around exposing this sort of thing so that it doesn't have to be brought to everyone's attention by a junkie from Pico)
Anyway, fuck terrorists. Or people with cameras. They're one and the same, bitches.
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