When talking about the difference between Axl Rose and Scott Weiland as singers he says, "The one thing I know about Axl Rose, as much as a dick as he was at times, the stadium was usually sold out. A little difference between those two guys. I'm talking 50,000 not 5,000. I could deal with that. A jet, I'm not talking just a Jet, a 727, my own limo and a guy to carry my shit."
Well Matt, you haven't done anything in your life worth a broken golf cart and a cup of warm Juggalo piss. The idea that somehow you had a private 727 makes me regret that the Taliban didn't hijack it and crash it into a Axl Roses' botoxed face.
So when it comes to bandmates it doesn't really matter whether or not you like working for them or whether the music is good then, eh? The Spikester can get behind that. I've managed hundreds of bands over the years and I don't remember a single one of their names. Shit, most of the time I wake up and don't even know who I am. No need to talk music quality, all I need to know is 1) Will I get my 123% cut? and 2) Meth?
It's a cop out that you often see from gutless schills who don't want to face the truth of having a career based on being in the right place at the right time. "Hey man, don't be hating on my Lil' Wayne/Ke$ha reggaeton-covers album. I'm just in it for the money/hookers/Barry Bonds-strength juice." It's a perfect philosophy to spout when you're cornered by an intelligent journalist, (which I imagine in the world of music journalism is pretty fucking rare) and it makes it easy to explain away your terrible music.
Ah, I can see it all clearly now, .93% BAC be damned. Matt Sorum's music is shit because he just doesn't CARE about the quality of the music he makes. Well Matt, why don't you go sell fucking cars for a living? Or what about the stock market, buddy? There's way more money to be made there than playing soul-less drums on some failure pile's latest Pro Tools session.
Get fucked.
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