If you followed the Wikileaks scandal you might ask yourself, "why has Bradley Manning been thrown in jail and not one of the people who killed those children and civilians been punished?" Because the American legal system is broken in ways that are obvious to anyone who reads the news or pays attention to anything at all. And here's yet another one of many recent examples:
The GE Corporation used a tax loophole to gain a $3.2 billion dollar tax return this year. Then US Uncut, a burgeoning grassroots movement pressuring corporate tax cheats to pay their fair share, posted a fake GE press release announcing that they would return their illegitimate (but legal) $3.2 billion tax refund, and that they would lobby to close the sort of corporate tax loopholes that had allowed them to skip taxes in the first place. Several major media outlets, including USA Today, ran the story as true. It was eventually revealed as a hoax.
In the period the hoax was believed, GE's stock plunged by .6% (far more than the value of the supposed return), then quickly recovered as soon as it became apparent the press had been duped. Obviously, GE can't possibly be expected to do the right thing voluntarily; their stock would keep plunging. That's why we must change the law. That's assuming that anyone can get a law passed when corporations like GE have money enough to buy votes in Congress, making them essentially untouchable.
And these corporations ARE untouchable. The Sony Corporation slapped a lawsuit on George Hotz for merely posting a youtube video showing users how to access the processor of their ps3's. They won this court case, and the judge of the case granted Sony permission to view the IP addresses of everyone who visited the youtube video or the guy's website. The only retaliation that a company like Sony will receive is from Anonymous:
The internet is the last Wild West, and the people have the power there. So here's the deal, corporations: information and files are available over the internet for free no matter what you do. Nothing you do will change that. Accept it. What these corporations do if they can't get someone to take their content offline is hire internet security companies to hit them with denial of service attacks. This is what started Anonymous' Operation Payback to begin with.
Stop the lawsuits. They're lopsided, as you've made sure you've bought off enough control in the government so that the law is always on your side. People won't stand for it, and Anonymous is the result of that. Speaking on behalf of the RIAA, here's what Gene Simmons of KISS said:
"Make sure your brand is protected...Make sure there are no incursions. Be litigious. Sue everybody. Take their homes, their cars. Don't let anybody cross that line."
"The people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us." - Fight Club

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