...Thom I think you'll really appreciate what I'm about to do for you. See, I heard about your new album of Shitrock that's being mailed today kinda like the "mailing in" you did while recording it. You didn't have enough material, but so what? That can easily be fixed by combing through the old "On A Friday" demos, putting the ipod on shuffle and hitting record. Anyway, I'm gonna get to the fuckin' point. I am prepared to give you a 20% cut of my worst(best)skag. Judging by your last record you're gonna need all the help you can get. That In Rainbows shit might fly with your run of the mill dumbass/Passion Pit fan but for anyone with a discerning ear you might want to actually fucking try this time. And, when other college students talk shit about you and are right....
But now, with The King of Limbs, we're back to paying standard-issue fees for digital versions of the album ($9? Get out of here...). And Radiohead have proven themselves as just another pop band churning out singles (see the video), not really interested in pushing forward their music stylistically, or continuing to sit on the forward guard of the new music market. Oh well. A band that was pretty interesting there, for a few years, is boring again. Yawn.
Well, buddy, that's when you need my particular home-made products. I mean every shithead who thinks they know anything about music is tearing you apart. All you need are some good drugs to put you over the edge and back on top of the world. Because, let's face it Radiohead without drugs...and a sense of humour...you're just fucking Coldplay!!1
Radiohead - Lotus Flower by h0nki
Shit man, this fucker took the label's gold card and went to Dolce Gabbana and all he got was a shitty bowler's hat? The last time I danced like this I had just coasted thru the security checkpoint at JFK before the balloon finally burst.
I think i heard "lotus flower" at the echo during 12 noon set by DJ "any available pussy appreciated".