Wednesday, November 17, 2010

your new phone company

SOONER OR LATER, IT HAD TO HAPPEN. At CREDO, we've been fighting the right wing with our activist network and with millions in donations to progressive nonprofits. We figured our punches were landing. We were right.

ON MONDAY, GLENN BECK TARGETED CREDO MOBILE ON HIS SHOW — putting us and our friends on his infamous blackboard. Upset about our actions against Sarah Palin's Alaska on the Discovery Channel, Beck said ludicrous things about CREDO and about some of the great nonprofit groups we fund, like Media Matters for America, Color of Change and the Center for Constitutional Rights.

HE CALLED US ALL "SPOOKY EVIL DUDES." We doubt that Beck would call companies like AT&T that. After all, AT&T contributes hundreds of thousands of dollars to right-wing politicians, like Michele Bachmann and her House Tea Party Caucus members.

SO MAKE THE SWITCH AND JOIN CREDO MOBILE, America's only progressive phone company. The more members we have, the harder we can fight blowhards like Beck.

There is one thing that Beck got right during his tirade against us: He said CREDO practices "progressive philanthropy and activism."

Since 1985, CREDO has raised more than $65 million for nonprofits like the ones Beck named. And our CREDO Action network of 1.5 million activists fights for progressive causes like net neutrality, marriage equality and a woman's right to choose.

When you join CREDO Mobile, you'll get everything you expect from a mobile phone company — plus a whole lot more. Sign up today and get:*

25% off your monthly fee for 12 months

Contract buyout credit up to $200

No contract for 30 days**

FREE shipping

Number portability; keep your current number

Nationwide coverage on the all-digital Sprint® network, reaching more than 280 million people.†

So act now and get a great deal — and the satisfaction of knowing that your phone company is on Glenn Beck's hit list.

If you found this because you're looking for more reasons to hate CREDO because Glenn Beck fucking told you so then do us all a favor and go fuck yourself.

Glenn Beck has no problem with companies that give money to causes that he promotes but suddenly when another company wants to spend their money that company is a fuckin' threat to America. What a hypocrite!!!11 It's simple capitalism and people can spend their money any way they want, fuckhead. Even if you don't agree with it let people have an opinion. I'll never understand this motherfucker....Fuck it...Just..Fuck it.

-Tommy C.


  1. get a life Tommy C. what the hell would you do with your life if you couldn't focus all your hate on GB. Loser.

  2. Yeah, I agree with the tea-party shithead above: what did you do with your life before Glen Back showed up?! Did you maybe enjoy living knowing there is one less public figure spreading hate and quasi-schizophrenic nonsense on network television?

    Hey, don't pour your hate onto Glen Back--a man who attacks everyone even remotely opposing his views with hallucinatory conspiracy charges and ad hominem attacks. He's clearly elevating the quality of political discourse in this country.

    - Larry


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