"Quit your yammerin' you fucks, Spikes about to open his trench coat of goods and shower some sweet rain over your submissive cherry bottom! Last night, while I was dangling my good leg over the Santa Monica Pier after another fight with South Bay Mud, I said to myself, "Spike, LA needs an enema...a rock and roll filled colonic"! So Spike knew exactly where to find some talent on the quick, good ole 6th and Spring. Apparently, I showed up 5 minutes after 8 and the pigs had already shut my talent show down. So I did the next best thing, I knocked on some tents at 1st and Main and rustled out 3 fuckers assbumping gold flake and a part-time PowerDom out of the LAXXpress..."
Coke Nap Records Presents
Three Douches / Captain Jizzbeard Split EP

Side A - Three Douches
"Spike Anderson's Needle Supply"2.
"Docks After Dark"3.
"Smells like Pepperdine Dropouts"
Side B - Captain Jizzbeard
"Snuff Films & Wine Coolers"2.
"Sex President"....But Spike, "where can I buy the slab, where can I score something that looks white..." Same place as always, out of some guys van in the Smell parking lot (usually guarded by a vagrant) or a flop house near you. Now fuck off Ne'er do Wells
I think I saw these guys play the whiskey